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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ott 10, 2023 8:19 am    Oggetto:  REPLICA HYT HASTROID SILVER RED H03061-A WATCH
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HYT HASTROID silver red

Amazing lightness combined with exceptional development

Hastroid's case has a size of 48 mm, the lug-to-lug distance of fifty two. 3 mm and a width of 13. 3 milimetre. It is made of advanced valuable materials: titanium; titanium as well as carbon; an original alloy associated with stabilized bronze and co2 that connects the memory space of the times. and wish for the future.

The exciting design of HASTROID Silver Red defines its very own code and emphasizes the current, upcoming character of the entire. Its case is made of ti and black DLC ti with a unique surface therapy that gives it a silk and sandblasted effect.

The actual dial has been completely re-designed for improved legibility, along with large central hands having a bright red coating and also sharp outlines for immediate positioning of the minutes. 2 sub-counters are arranged such as instruments in the cockpit, offering necessary supplementary information: little seconds on the left; Power reserve within the right.

Revolutionary watch technologies
A timepiece that obviously connects the past, present along with future

HYT Timepieces tend to be portable hubs of technological innovation first and glamor focused on understanding time in the twenty-first century. Radical is the brand new relevance.

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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ott 10, 2023 8:19 am    Oggetto: Adv

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